Orgasm represents the zenith of human pleasurable experiences. ‘Orgasm’ is derived from the Greek word ‘orgaos’ which means ‘to swell, with lust. This literal translation very appropriately encompasses the true essence of orgasm.
Orgasm is defined as, ‘an explosive cerebrally encoded neuromuscular response, at the peak of ‘sexual arousal by psycho biological stimuli, the pleasurable sensations of which are experienced in association with dispensable pelvic physiological concomitants’.
Sex is not merely the means to an end (procreation). It is both, the means to an end, as well as an end in itself (pleasure). Nature, with its natural masterstroke, of providing an inherently sensual pleasure oriented side to our personality, has ingeniously accomplished this dual objective (pleasure + procreation). An attempt to rationalize the philosophy of sex undisputedly establishes the fact that humans indulge in sex to gratify their inherent pleasure instinct. One indulges in sexual activity for what one ‘gets’ out of it, and not for what one ‘may beget’ out of it. One indulges, not to ‘lose’ fluids but to ‘gain’ an orgasm.
The pleasure principle has, is and always will be ‘principal’.