What are the common sexual misconceptions prevalent among the middle aged men and women?
Men harbour the misconception that increasing age and excessive use may lead to weakening of the genitals and end in ‘seminal bankruptcy’. Because of this misguided belief, they observe sexual abstinence. One should remember that it is disuse which leads to atrophy and not the use. As a man grows older, he walks slow, he talks slow but he expects that his erection should not be slow! One needs to remember that this is a normal phenomenon.
Impression that “one failure in making it means an end to sex life”. As a result, many men move from effective sexual functioning to various degrees of impotence. I always emphasize that occasional failures are common and failure does not mean an end. Women harbour the misconception that menopause marks the end of sex life. Menopause merely marks the end of a woman’s reproductive career and not the conjugal career which can continue upto the end of one’s biological life. In fact, the maturity of the partner’s end the relationship, alongwith guaranteed natural contraception may enhance the sex life. The misconception that “sex after 60 is not possible” needs to be changed. Men and women can continue to remain sexually active till the last day of their lives provided they are in sound physical and mental health.
What physical changes occur when a person grows older?
As a man grows older, erection takes a longer time to occur. Similarly, in women, lubrication takes a longer time to occur. A man may often require direct physical stimulation to achieve erection and the same is also true of a woman’s lubrication. The colour of the semen changes from white to light yellow, the consistency gets thinner and the quantity decreases. When, people are not informed about these facts, anxiety can be generated, as there is a vast discrepancy between the unrealistic expectations and the real experience. This paralyses the sexual response leading to avoidance of sexual overtures. Older persons tend to become obese because of sedentary lives, lack of exercise and changes in hormonal levels. Exercises for toning up the muscles and good functioning of the body, are essential. All these help in improving the self-image and making a better sex life.
1 Response to Old Age Sex Problems
The awareness related to cigarette smoking is very low when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Do you know that smoking is tremendously disruptive for health in many aspects along with your sexual life? Nicotine and intake of cigarette smoke can be the cause for erectile dysfunction. In addition, Women do not like smokers. Take care of your health and give up smoking today to save your sexuality and your money for a better life ahead. http://www.chantixhome.com/
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