Position and Size of Male Organs
Posted In:
Sex Organs
By Checker
Is it advantageous to use the vacuum apparatus or enlarging the penis?
No. The use of a vacuum apparatus may prove dangerous and may even lead to fibrous degeneration of the penis.
Is the penis usually inclined towards the left?
Yes, it is true for the majority of men. This is so perhaps because the left testis is lower than the right. Therefore, while wearing there under garments most men adjust their penis on the left side, as enough space exists on the left side as compared to the right.
Does a slight curvature of the penis lead to any difficulty in penetration?
No. A slight curvature of the penis either to the left or to the right, is common and does not affect penetration at all. It is a myth that an erect penis should always be at a right angle.
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