What conditions can make women frigid?
Distraction, disturbed interpersonal relationship, anti-hypertensive drugs, tranquilisers sedatives, hypnotics and sometimes oral contraceptives can all lead to decline in sexual desire. Any pain at the time of coitus, whether it is vaginitis, pelvic infection or different uterine position, may lead to frigidity of sudden onset.
What is female circumcision?
It is a barbaric custom of female genital mutilation that varies in the extent of mutilation perpetrated. Its most disfiguring form — the Pharonic circumcision practiced in Sudan and Kenya; involves cutting off of the clitoris, labia majora and labia minora followed by close apposition of the tissue that remains leaving only a tiny hole at the bottom for the passage of urine. This severe local mutilation makes sex, a painful encounter. In its mildest form, it involves excision of the clitoris or the clitoral hood alone. It is performed due to the misconception that unless it is performed a woman will become overtly promiscuous.
Do women ejaculate?
Few women do report squirting of fluid at the time of orgasm, but this is rare. Female ejaculation is an entity that remains to be proven.
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