After pregnancy, many times couples report that they don’t experience the pleasure that they used to. Can this be helped?
After normal delivery often-vaginal walls become lax and the penovaginal contact reduces. Thus some people do report less pleasure. This can be helped. While doing the episiotomy, the gynecologist should take one more stitch known as husband’s stitch to ensure adequate apposition that helps in increasing the peno-vaginal contact, thus giving more pleasure.
What are the most common causes of lax vagina? How can it be prevented?
This may occur following childbirth. Proper management of labor with perineal support and an adequate and timely episiotomy can best prevent it.
What is the treatment for a lax vagina?
Kegel’s exercises for contracting the perineal muscles by holding the urine and releasing it, 20 such contractions and relaxations three times a day, may help increase the muscle tone. If this does not work, one may go in for vaginal reconstructive surgery.
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