Introduction of AIDS
What is AIDS?
It is an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a viral disease in which the immune system becomes so weak that the individual becomes susceptible to any infection or disease that an otherwise healthy person would be able to resist easily. AIDS victims can be devastated by the common cold or by a simple attack of diarrhea.
Do you need to worry about AIDS?
Yes. AIDS can spread easily through any infected secretion of an AIDS patient. So far no cure has been discovered for this eventually fatal disease that cripples the immune system making the body increasingly prone to infections. Once contracted the prognosis is usually poor, and the motto one must follow is “Prevention is the only Cure.”
Is AIDS contagious?
Yes. The AIDS virus has been transmitted between male homosexuals, heterosexuals, intravenous drug users sharing contaminated needles, from blood transfusions, contaminated blood products, contaminated secretions like saliva, semen, tears, urine of an infected person, as well as vertical transmission from mother to infant. Tattooing, shaving, dental work, acupuncture, electrolysis needle, can also infect one; surgical procedures etc. if sterile aseptic probations are not used.
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