Parents Reaction to Masturbating Child
How should parents react to their child’s masturbation ?
Parents are usually disturbed when they find out that their child indulges in masturbation. They should understand that this is a normal stage of psychosexual development and a normal expression of childhood sexuality for males and females. It is neither indicative of psychopathology nor of potentially preferential homosexuality in adulthood. They should be very careful not to arouse any fear in the child by scolding or punishing him or making a big issue out of it. In particular the child should not be told any anxiety provoking statements such as, masturbation will damage his sex life or make him insane or lead to genital dysfunction or deformity. Parents should realize that as the child develops it will continue to have strong sexual urges, he/she will be more expressive about his/her sexuality, and will need to find some manner of release. Parents should realize that any anxiety provoking statements at this crucial incipient developmental stage will be detrimental to the child’s psyche. They should provide their constructive support if and when the child solicits it, doing no more; otherwise antagonism and failure are likely. The wisdom of this should be apparent to anyone who reflects upon his personal childhood memories.
Does masturbation lead to curvature of the penis?
No. Just as intercourse does not lead to any curvature of the penis, so also masturbation does not lead to any curvature.
Is semen vital? Does dissipation of semen devitalize a man and promote aging?
Semen is being secreted day in and day out by the genital apparatus. Sperms constitute less than one. percent of seminal fluid, the rest of the fluid is the secretion of the accessory sexual glands, prostate & seminal vesicles. It is being formed for being excreted and cannot be stored even if one wants to do so. Barring conception, semen is not vital. That one drop of semen is equal to hundred drops of blood, which in turn requires a lot of nourishing food, is one of the most rampant sexual myths prevalent.
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