Some Facts of Women Sex Myth
Is it a fact that women must bleed at the first attempt at sexual intercourse?
No. This usually occurs due to the rupture of the hymen in virgins. However, the hymen may be absent from birth or might rupture while playing games, doing exercises or using tampons. Hence, a woman need not necessarily bleed at the first attempt at sexual intercourse to prove her virginity. I have seen plenty of marriages going on the rocks because of this misconception.
Do man have a greater sex drive or women?
Sexual urge depends on the individual’s sexuality and a greater sex drive is not the prerogative of either sex!
For conception and ideal sexual, is simultaneous climax necessary?
No. Simultaneous climax in no way ensures conception. In fact the idea of conception often decreases the intensity of pleasure. As for pleasure, it is the pleasure itself that is important. Whether one got it before, with or after the partner is immaterial.
What is the most dangerous sexual myth?
“A sexologist is always a highly qualified professional”.
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