Are alcohol and smoking safe during pregnancy?

No, both alcohol and smoking are unsafe during pregnancy as they lead to intrauterine growth retardation.

Can stretch marks on the breasts and abdomen following pregnancy be removed by any medicines?

No. Once stretch marks have occurred, they may somewhat decrease in size on their own but cannot be removed by any medicines or creams. They also occur during puberty, obesity, and Gushing’s syndrome besides pregnancy.

When can a women resume sexual intercourse after delivery?

One should not indulge in sexual intercourse:

  • If the episiotomy scar (the cut made to ease the birth of the baby) has not healed properly.
  • If there is bleeding per vaginum. Usually, after three weeks of delivery a woman can comfortably resume sexual activity.

Is episiotomy necessary during normal delivery?

Yes. It may be advised largely because it facilitates delivery of the fetal head, prevents vaginal and perineal tears, prevents excessive vaginal laxity, and prolapse of the uterus, bladder and rectum.